A platform for a VUCA world.
Velocity, Uncertainty, Complexity & Ambiguity (VUCA) challenge businesses today. We tackle VUCA with our real-time activity & analytics platform 6D™ that senses operational events, analyzes the situation, and then autonomously responds with corrective actions or recommendations to increase operational insights, efficiencies, and productivity.
6D was built, from the ground up on the Internet of Things, Edge, Fog and Cloud technologies. 6D’s event-driven architecture means the platform will significantly enhance situation awareness out-of-the-box.
Whether you’re looking for advanced asset tracking, better asset monitoring and management, real-time decision-making, up-to-the-moment analytics and intelligence, cross-organization object tracking, or activity-based security, 6D™ could be just the platform you’re looking for.
6D™ is designed with the real-world in mind, it recognizes that signals or events may come from many sources and may need be correlated with other events and existing data flows.